Index, Beam Physics Design Notes

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If you cannot find the note, try sitewide sources:

Baartman design notes pre 2010 are HERE

Glen Stinson's design notes are HERE

Jump to year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

There are two kinds of notes: BN are internal to the Beam Physics group, DN are TRIUMF-wide internal notes.

# Author Title
TRI-BN-10-01 Rick Baartman Bunch Dynamics through Accelerator Column
TRI-BN-10-02 Rick Baartman Commissioning Plan for ISIS Vertical Section
TRI-BN-10-03 Rick Baartman Magnetic Field Compensation for E-Linac
TRI-BN-10-04 Tony Kwan (student work term report under Fred Jones, Fall 2009) Particle Beams and Phase Space
TRI-BN-10-05 Mazin Sidahmed (student work term report under Yu-Chiu Chao, Fall 2010) XAL at TRIUMF ii
TRI-BN-11-01 Rick Baartman GRIFFIN Optics
TRI-BN-11-02 Rick Baartman Quads for ARIEL electrons
TRI-BN-11-03 Rick Baartman Shielding the ARIEL Beam Pipe
TRI-BN-11-04 Gabriel Goh (student work term report under Yu-Chiu Chao, Summer 2011) The TRIUMF XAL On-line Empirical Model Documentation
TRI-BN-11-05 Rick Baartman Magnetic BPM Feedthrus
TRI-BN-11-06 Rastislav Ondrasek (student work term report under Fred Jones, Summer 2011) Visualization of Beamlines using 3D Graphics API - Open Inventor
TRI-BN-11-07 Yu-Chiu Chao LEBT Optimization Based on "Final" Gun Geometry
TRI-BN-12-01 Rick Baartman Sextupole Component Spec of ARIEL Dipoles
TRI-BN-12-02 Rick Baartman ARIEL Quad Tech Spec
TRI-BN-12-03 Yi-Nong Rao Intra-Beam Stripping
TRI-BN-12-04 Beam Physics Group Bi-Annual Report April 2010 to March 2012
TRI-BN-12-05 Rick Baartman Chromaticity, Isochronicity and Path Length Dependence of Betatron Amplitude
TRI-BN-12-06 Rick Baartman Allowed electron beam emittance growth for RIB production
TRI-BN-12-07 Rick Baartman Emittance Growth due to Gas Scattering
TRI-BN-12-08 Rick Baartman Emittance Growth due to Quadrupole Focussing Error
TRI-BN-12-09 Pierre-Luc Gagnon (student work term report under Fred Jones, Summer 2012) Beamline visualization and G4Beamline
TRI-BN-12-10 Rick Baartman ISAC LEBT
TRI-BN-12-11 Alysson Vrielink (student) Beam Bunch Length Measurement for the ARIEL e-LINAC
TRI-BN-12-12 Rick Baartman Curved Deflector for TRIUMF Cyclotron
TRI-BN-12-13 Yi-Nong Rao Magnetic Field Representation in Cylindrical Coordinate System
TRI-BN-12-14 Rick Baartman Solenoid, with embedded dipole
TRI-BN-13-01 Fred Jones Momentum Collimation in the Ariel Electron Linac
TRI-BN-13-02 Suresh Saminathan A report on the beam development test conducted for betaNMR/NQR beamline
TRI-BN-13-03 Yi-Nong Rao How to Power Quadrupole 1VQ5 Asymmetrically?
TRI-BN-13-04 Yi-Nong Rao, Rick Baartman, I. Bylinskii, V. Verzilov, TRIUMF; J.M. Schippers, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland TRIUMF Extraction Foil Developments and Contamination Reduction
TRI-BN-13-05 Thomas Planche Poisson equation solver with symmetry conditions in the radial direction
TRI-BN-13-06 Suresh Saminathan Simulation and measurement of ion beam transport for $\beta$-NQR beamline
TRI-BN-13-07 D. Kaltchev and W. Herr Analysis of long range studies in the LHC - comparison with the model
TRI-BN-13-08 Rick Baartman Electrostatic Bender Fields, Optics, Aberrations, with Application to the Proton EDM Ring
TRI-BN-13-09 Rick Baartman Magnetic field compensation for E-Linac
TRI-BN-13-10 Yu-Chiu Chao Consequence of Ambient Fields in Various Parts of E Linac under Different Operating Modes
TRI-BN-13-11 Rick Baartman I1 Steering Correction
TRI-BN-13-12 Rick Baartman The Buckley Quads: Hysteresis, Calibration
TRI-BN-13-13 Beam Physics Group 2008 to 2013 Group Activity Report
TRI-BN-14-01 Yu-Chiu Chao Gun Solenoid Clamp Misalignment Tolerance
TRI-BN-14-02 Yi-Nong Rao Feasibility of Beam Rastering in BL2C4
TRI-BN-14-03 James Maloney New Electrostatic Element Procedures for COSY Infinity
TRI-BN-14-04 James Maloney Studies of Magnetic Dipole Edge Shaping
TRI-BN-14-05 Gabriela Arias (student) Ambient Magnetic Field Compensation for the ARIEL Electron Beamline
TRI-BN-14-06 Dobrin Kaltchev and Kyle Gao EGUN-ELBT reference trajectory correction in presence of ambient fields
TRI-BN-14-07 Rick Baartman Energy deposition and Temperature Time Constants
TRI-BN-14-08 Rick Baartman Simple but General Solenoid Model (updated August 2021)
TRI-BN-14-09 Devin Bissky Dziadyk (student) Magnet Measurement Report
TRI-BN-14-10 Thomas Planche E-linac Beam Commissioning Plan
TRI-BN-14-11 Kevin Multani (student) and Thomas Planche Magnet Measurement Specifications
TRI-BN-14-12 Kevin Multani (student) ELBT SN0002 Solenoid
TRI-BN-14-13 Rick Baartman The Radiabeam Steerers
TRI-BN-15-01 Dobrin Kaltchev Measured cavity field and expected tracking accuracy
TRI-BN-15-02 Yi-Nong Rao BL2C Split Ratio vs. Harmonic Coils
TRI-BN-15-03 Rick Baartman Linac Envelope Optics
(same as TRI-DN-15-18)
Suresh Saminathan, Rick Baartman Beam Commissioning of GRIFFIN Beamline
TRI-BN-15-05 Thomas Zuiderveen (student) B2 TUNNEL MAGNETIC FIELD
TRI-BN-15-06 Thomas Planche Trip Report: 2015 ICFA Space Charge Workshop
TRI-BN-15-07 Rick Baartman Emittance Convention
TRI-BN-15-08 D. Kaltchev ELBD Beamlet with DIMAD
TRI-BN-15-09 James Maloney Optim to COSY Conversion notes
TRI-BN-15-10 Rick Baartman Source-HRS Beamline Grounding requirement versus Frequency
TRI-BN-15-11 Marco Marchetto E-linac Equipment Commissioning Plan
TRI-BN-15-12 P. Collins (student) H- Sources, Beamline
TRI-BN-15-14 Yi-Nong Rao Dipole and Quadrupole Magnet’s Installation Tolerances
TRI-BN-15-15 Yi-Nong Rao Beam Rastering, M19 Scan and Beam Tomography in BL2A
TRI-BN-15-16 Yi-Nong Rao BL2A Tune for Beam Rastering Test of 2015-Dec-21
TRI-BN-15-17 Dobrin Kaltchev Bunch Formation (Astra)
TRI-BN-15-18 Dobrin Kaltchev Cavity matrix comparison of tools
TRI-BN-15-19 Dobrin Kaltchev Measured cavity field and expected accuracy in Transoptr matrix
TRI-BN-15-20 Robin Newhouse (student) Co-op student report: Experiment Automator Documentation
TRI-BN-15-21 Robin Newhouse (student) Orbit Correction Technical Report
TRI-BN-15-22 Yu-Chiu Chao A Deterministic Program for Obtaining Optima under Constraints for Any Analytical System
TRI-BN-15-23 Yu-Chiu Chao BL4N Orbit Correction Configuration
TRI-BN-15-24 Yi Nong Rao Spec for BL4N 45 deg Dipole Magnets
TRI-BN-15-25 Gaby Davilus (student) Integral magnetic field measurement technique for a dipole magnet
TRI-BN-15-26 Chris Gong (Ph.D. thesis) A Novel Optimization Platform and Its Applications to the TRIUMF Energy Recovery Linac
TRI-BN-15-28 George S Clark Electro-mechanical Aspects of the ARIEL-II HRS Dipole Magnet
TRI-BN-16-01 Thomas Planche E-Linac Beam Commissioning Plan
TRI-BN-16-02 Thomas Planche Outcome of Cyclotron Beam Development in 2015
TRI-BN-16-03 Rick Baartman Optics to EMMA
TRI-BN-16-04 Thomas Planche, Paul Jung (student) Relativistic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Description of a Beam with Space-Charge
TRI-BN-16-05 Yi-Nong Rao Requirement Specifications for BL4N Extraction Stripping Foil’s Locus
TRI-BN-16-06 Rick Baartman TRANSOPTR: changes since 1984
TRI-BN-16-07 James Maloney HRS Accelerating Column
TRI-BN-16-08 M.J. Basso (student) Modelling BL4N Magnets Using Opera to Assist with Quantifying Leakage Fields along the EHBT Line
TRI-BN-16-09 M.J. Basso (student) An analytical approach for drawing the 2D field profile of a finite-width electric dipole with shims using conformal mapping
TRI-BN-16-10 Yuliang Jiang (student) Simulating magnets using OPERA models
TRI-BN-16-11 Yuliang Jiang (student) The theory and tests of a PIC code
TRI-BN-16-12 Yuliang Jiang (student) Measuring the stray field in the HRS area
TRI-BN-16-13 Rick Baartman M15 Tunes
TRI-BN-16-14 C. Barquest Investigating 94Sr Tune Loss: ISAC RPM Data Summary
TRI-BN-16-15 F.W. Jones Proton Collimation in Beam Line 4-North
TRI-BN-16-16 F.W. Jones Notes on Using G4Beamline
TRI-BN-16-17 S. Koscielniak Iterative Learning Control
TRI-BN-16-18 Dobrin Kaltchev, Thomas Planche and Brandon Humphries Processing view-screen data to determine emittance
TRI-BN-16-19 Suresh Sminathan and Norman Muller NIER Dipole Final Design Review
TRI-BN-16-20 Paul Jung (student) Implementation of a Novel Symplectic Particle Accelerator Tracking Code
TRI-BN-16-21 Yi-Nong Rao Improved Simulation for Centre Region of TRIUMF 500 MeV Cyclotron
TRI-BN-16-22 Yi-Nong Rao ISIS Tomography
TRI-BN-16-23 Yi-Nong Rao Requirement Specifications for BL4N Magnets Stray Field Measurements
TRI-BN-16-24 Yi-Nong Rao Requirement Specifications for BL4N Extraction Probe
TRI-BN-17-01 Samantha Marcano (student) Customizing Web Applications for Beam Tomography
TRI-BN-17-02 Shane Koscielniak Iterative Learning Control for Two-Pole System
TRI-BN-17-03 Dobrin Kaltchev Tune-scans for HL-LHC and LHC
TRI-BN-17-04 Shane Koscielniak Iterative Learning Control Revisited
TRI-BN-17-05 Suresh Saminathan, Marco Marchetto, Carla Barquest Diagnostics Requirements for the ARIEL Low Energy Beam Transport (Doc.121991)
TRI-BN-17-06 Thomas Planche Magnetic Design of the Inflector Test Stand
TRI-BN-17-07 Joshua Sandor (student) TRIUMF FEBIAD Ion Source: Geometry Investigation
TRI-BN-17-08 David Tattan (student) Tomography with Harp Data
TRI-BN-17-09 David Tattan (student) On the Beam Tomography Web Application
TRI-BN-17-10 Yi-Nong Rao Requirement Specifications for BL4N Magnets Stray Field Measurements
TRI-BN-17-11 Ryley Simpson (student) Permanent Magnet Solenoid-like Lens
TRI-BN-17-12 Dan Sehayek (student) Combined Electrostatic Focusing and Deflection for the ARIEL Target Ion Source
TRI-BN-17-13 Matthew Pereira Wilson (student) Field Measurements of the CANREB Nier Dipole
TRI-BN-17-14 Thomas Planche BL4N 45 Degree Bender Design
TRI-BN-17-15 Thomas Planche Courant-Snyder-like Space-Charge Hamiltonian
TRI-BN-17-16 Thomas Planche, Suresh Saminathan Electromagnetic Thrusters through the Eyes of Accelerator Physicists
TRI-BN-17-17 Dan Sehayek (student) Automatic Tuning Algorithm for the CANREB HRS Multipole
TRI-BN-17-18 Paul Jung (student) Shims with Curvature
TRI-BN-17-19 Thomas Planche TRIUMF ARIEL High Resolution Separator in ZGOUBI (as a tutorial)
TRI-BN-17-20 Matthew Pereira Wilson (student) Envelope calculations on the Ion Beam Injection and Extraction of CANREB EBIS
TRI-BN-17-21 Marco Marchetto (Ph.D. thesis) Magnetic Field Study for a New Generation High Resolution Mass Separator
TRI-BN-17-22 Yi-Nong Rao TRIUMF U-Turn around 206MeV
TRI-BN-17-23 Yi-Nong Rao BL1A T2 Issue
TRI-BN-17-24 Olivier Shelbaya Preliminary Investigation of ISAC-I RF/Temperature Correlations and General Performance
TRI-BN-18-01 Olivier Shelbaya Simulation of ARIEL Prebuncher
TRI-BN-18-02 Olivier Shelbaya ISAC-I RF Acceleration
TRI-BN-18-03 Olivier Shelbaya Isotope Separation On-Line at ISAC
TRI-BN-18-04 Fred Jones Proton Collimation in BL4N with New Optics
TRI-BN-18-05 Dobrin Kaltchev Fourier expansion of Long Range Beam-Beam Hamiltonian, DRAFT
TRI-BN-18-06 Dan Sehayek (student UWaterloo) Implementation of the Phase Space Tomography Algorithm
TRI-BN-18-07 Olivier Shelbaya Linearized Hamiltonian and F-Matrix for an RFQ: A Step-by-Step Approach
TRI-BN-18-08 Suresh Saminathan Magnetic field analysis for the ARIEL pre-separator magnet design proposed by Danfysik
TRI-BN-18-09 Rick Baartman Runge-Kutta Customization for TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-18-10 Adrian Pikor (student SFU) M11 Beamline Tuning Progress and Study
TRI-BN-18-11 Dylan Bassi (student U.Waterloo) M9 Simulations: Summary of Work - Summer 2018
TRI-BN-18-12 Rick Baartman AC Magnetic Field Tolerance for the HRS
TRI-BN-18-13 Vishvam Mazumdar (student U.Waterloo) High Level Application Development
TRI-BN-18-14 Dylan Bassi (student U.Waterloo) addendum to TRI-BN-18-11; Work done on M9H tuning
TRI-BN-18-15 Rick Baartman HRS Match/Magnifier Section
TRI-BN-18-16 Yi-Nong Rao Maximum Entropy Tomography Validation
TRI-BN-18-17 Yi-Nong Rao TRIUMF U-Turn around 480 MeV
TRI-BN-19-01 Carla Barquest A Brief History of High Level Applications at TRIUMF
TRI-BN-19-02 Olivier Shelbaya TRANSOPTR Implementation of the MEBT Beamline
TRI-BN-19-03 Fred Jones BL1A Simulation Model in G4Beamline
TRI-BN-19-04 Fred Jones BL2A Simulation Model in G4Beamline
TRI-BN-19-05 Fred Jones BL4N Simulation Model in G4Beamline
TRI-BN-19-06 Olivier Shelbaya TRANSOPTR Implementation of the HEBT Beamlines
TRI-BN-19-07 Owen Lailey (U.Waterloo student work term report under Suresh Saminathan, Jan-Apr 2019) Tomography Reconstruction for ARIEL CANREB Beam Commissioning
TRI-BN-19-08 Thomas Planche Tune Calculation of Isochronous Orbits
TRI-BN-19-09 Thomas Planche, Paul Jung Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij-Sacherer Envelope Equation from the Low Lagrangian
TRI-BN-19-10 Rick Baartman Minimum spot size ISAC LEBT, applied to $\beta$-NMR
TRI-BN-19-11 P. Bélanger Generalizing the Method of Images for Complex Boundary Conditions : Application on the LHC Beam Screen
TRI-BN-19-12 Meagan Stewart (U.Waterloo student work term report, Jan-Apr 2019) HLA Implementation of the TITAN Optics System
TRI-BN-19-13 Olivier Shelbaya TRANSOPTR Implementation of ISAC-II
TRI-BN-19-14 Yi-Nong Rao On Cyclotron Orbit Calculations
TRI-BN-19-15 Olivier Shelbaya DTL Dashboard: A Dynamic, Longitudinal Tracking Tool for the ISAC Heavy Ion Linac
TRI-BN-19-16 Olivier Shelbaya HLA-beamData: An Elementwise Database for Passive Beam Data Accumulation
TRI-BN-19-17 Nathan Simon I2 Steerer magnetic calculation and realization report
TRI-BN-19-18 Olivier Shelbaya, Rick Baartman Langevin-Like DTL Triplet BI Fits and Analysis of Transverse DTL Tuning Difficulties (revised 2021)
TRI-BN-19-19 Aveen Mahon (coop student) and Suresh Saminathan Preliminary CANREB Beamline Commissioning Results
TRI-BN-19-20 Olivier Shelbaya Anomalous Operational OLIS Tunes
TRI-BN-19-21 Rick Baartman SLIT subroutine for TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-19-22 Rick Baartman ARIEL Quad Effective Lengths, Fringe Field Integrals
TRI-BN-19-23 Jedri de Luna (student, Fall 2019) Phase Space Tomography at TRIUMF
TRI-BN-19-24 Maire Bleszynski (student, Fall 2019) ARIEL Basement-2 Level Beamline Commissioning Results
TRI-BN-19-25 Lige Zhang BL1A Vertical Beam Profile Measurement Report
TRI-BN-19-26 Lige Zhang BL1A Horizontal Beam Profile Measurements: Imaging the stripper
TRI-BN-19-27 Yi-Nong Rao Correction of Coupling Resonance nur-nuz=1
TRI-BN-19-28 Yi-Nong Rao Review of BL4 Combination Magnet Coordinates
TRI-BN-20-01 Olivier Shelbaya Longitudinal Beam Topology with TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-20-02 Jensen Lawrence (student, J-M, 2020) Tomography Simulation for the Profile Monitor in the ARIEL RIB Module
TRI-BN-20-03 Olivier Shelbaya Addition of global time tracking to TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-20-04 Olivier Shelbaya OLIS Maintenance Summary by Oli S.
TRI-BN-20-05 Olivier Shelbaya Nonlinear RF Cavities
TRI-BN-20-06 Olivier Shelbaya A Quick TRANSOPTR Primer
TRI-BN-20-07 Olivier Shelbaya Cosecant Energy-Phase Ramp for Linear Response RF Cavities
TRI-BN-20-08 Olivier Shelbaya The TRANSOPTR Model of the ISAC Drift Tube Linear Accelerator - Part I: Longitudinal Verification
TRI-BN-20-09 Thomas Planche TRANSOPTR Routine: FFA
TRI-BN-20-10 Lige Zhang Design Study for the TR100 Spiral Inflector
TRI-BN-20-11 Lige Zhang Transmission Measurement under Different Dee Voltage Using the LE2 Probe
TRI-BN-20-12 Olivier Shelbaya Maximum Entropy Tomography at the ISAC-RFQ
TRI-BN-20-13 Olivier Shelbaya OLIS to RFQ Beam Transport and Acceleration in TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-20-14 Olivier Shelbaya Sequential Tune Optimization with TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-20-15 Lige Zhang BL1A study using G4Beamline and TRANSOPTR: calibrate the beam parameters on the target
TRI-BN-20-16 Olivier Shelbaya An Experimental Technique for Quadrupole-Free Energy Ramping an IH-DTL
TRI-BN-20-17 Yi-Nong Rao Beam Tomography and Emittance Measurements in ISIS
TRI-BN-20-18 Rick Baartman Magnetic field compensation for ISIS
TRI-BN-20-19 Spencer Kiy LLRF Phase Shifter Calibrations, October 2020
TRI-BN-21-01 Thomas Planche Transverse Dynamics Lecture Notes
TRI-BN-21-03 Olivier Shelbaya Replacing The TUDA-I Quadrupoles
TRI-BN-21-04 Rick Baartman Bunched Beam Space Charge in TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-21-05 Dobrin Kaltchev On wire-corrector optimization in HL-LHC and the appearance of special aspect ratios
TRI-BN-21-06 Stephanie Radel E-Linac Beam Commissioning Record - EABT/EABD, EHAT and EHDT
TRI-BN-21-07 Olivier Shelbaya Status of Model Coupled Accelerator Tuning at ISAC-I
TRI-BN-21-08 Olivier Shelbaya Estimation of Low-Relativistic Energy Straggling in Thin Stripping Foils
TRI-BN-21-09 Paul Jung Dielectric Wall Accelerator Implementation in TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-21-10 Brandon Dos Remedios 12 Sector Single Ring Permanent Magnet Lens on Axis B Field Measurements
TRI-BN-21-11 Kristin Wu Profile Monitor Classification using Random Forest Classifier
TRI-BN-21-12 Rick Baartman Scattering effect on sigma matrix
TRI-BN-21-13 Lige Zhang Beam Loss Study for a Split Collimator in BL4N
TRI-BN-21-14 Brandon Dos Remedios ISIS Horizontal Beam Line Stray Magnetic Field Mapping and Compensation
TRI-BN-21-15 Owen Lailey CANREB High Resolution Separator Commissioning Progress
TRI-BN-21-16 Yi-Nong Rao Validation of Space Charge Simulation in a Cyclotron
TRI-BN-21-17 Thomas Planche Review on Electric Focusing
TRI-BN-21-18 Olivier Shelbaya Overfocusing of the MEBT Bunch Rotator
TRI-BN-21-19 Thomas Planche In this Order: Orbits, Tunes, and Magnet Design
TRI-BN-21-20 Olivier Shelbaya RFQ Output Beam Characterization
TRI-BN-21-21 Yi-Nong Rao, Lige Zhang Beam sigma-matrix under target scattering
TRI-BN-21-23 Yi-Nong Rao, Lige Zhang Cyclotron Beam Development Shifts Summary on Measurements of Linear Coupling Resonance Correction and its Benefits
TRI-BN-21-24 Lige Zhang, Yi-Nong Rao, Rick Baartman, Yuri Bilinski, Thomas Planche Vertical Tune Measurement and Correction for the 500 MeV Cyclotron
TRI-BN-21-25 Olivier Shelbaya La Taxe Optique
TRI-BN-22-01 Thomas Planche, Rick Baartman Longitudinal Beam Profile Measurement using a Localized Isochronism Excursion
TRI-BN-22-02 Olivier Shelbaya The TRANSOPTR Model of the ISAC Drift Tube Linear Accelerator - Part II: LORASR Comparison Notes
TRI-BN-22-03 Yi-Nong Rao Simulations of TRIUMF U-turn Scan
TRI-BN-22-04 Aveen Mahon Scattering from the DarkLight target in the e-Linac
TRI-BN-22-05 Yi-Nong Rao and Rick Baartman Current Status of Beamline 1A Optics
TRI-BN-22-06 Olivier Shelbaya, Paul M. Jung Generation of TRANSOPTR files with xml2optr
TRI-BN-22-07 Olivier Shelbaya ISAC-RFQ Parameter Documentation
TRI-BN-22-08: PDF version or web version (works best with FireFox) Rick Baartman TRANSOPTR Reference Manual
TRI-BN-22-09 Olivier Shelbaya Element Command Automated Summary Tool
TRI-BN-22-10 H.W. Koay Report on TRIUMF e-LINAC ELBT:ACCT Current Monitoring System
TRI-BN-22-11 Lige Zhang Error Field from the tilted median plane in TRIUMF 500 MeV cyclotron
TRI-BN-22-12 Olivier Shelbaya Report On OLIS Quadrupoles 5 and 7
TRI-BN-22-13 Olivier Shelbaya Model Coupled DTL Drifting Tune On-Line
TRI-BN-22-14 Dobrin Kaltchev Beam-beam detuning formula and its agreement with MadX
TRI-BN-22-15 Olivier Shelbaya Investigation of ISAC Mass Separator Optics
TRI-BN-22-16 Lige Zhang Optic model for the septum magnet without median plane symmetry
TRI-BN-22-17 Olivier Shelbaya Tuning the MEBT Rebuncher
TRI-BN-22-18 Lige Zhang et al. Feasibility study for the cylindrically symmetric magnetic inflector
TRI-BN-22-19 Thomas Planche Design of a 2GeV Proton Cyclotron with Constant Radial and Vertical Tunes
TRI-BN-22-20 Dobrin Kaltchev General Beam-beam detuning formula and its tests
TRI-BN-22-21 Yi-Nong Rao Design of Innovative Superconducting Cyclotron TR100+ for Commercial Isotopes Production
TRI-BN-22-22 Joshua Kraan Simple Method for Calculating HRS Multipole Effects Directly from Field Maps
TRI-BN-22-23 Huiwen Koay Report of the Multi-coil Magnetic Field for a Constant Tune Cyclotron
TRI-BN-22-24 Huiwen Koay Lorentz Dissociation of H ions in a Cyclotron
TRI-BN-22-25 Dobrin Kaltchev Beam-beam-as-wire and wire-as-octupole approximations: tuneshifts
TRI-BN-22-26 Joshua Kraan Updated Multipole Tuning Algorithm
TRI-BN-22-27 Joshua Kraan Magnet Mapper Controls
TRI-BN-22-28 Suresh Saminathan A 2-in-1 Emittance Scanner
TRI-BN-22-29 Olivier Shelbaya Beam Dynamics Study of ISAC-MEBT
TRI-BN-22-30 Achim Andres TuneAI: Documentation & Handover
TRI-BN-22-31 Olivier Shelbaya On-Line Validation of DTL Autofocus
TRI-BN-22-32 Olivier Shelbaya, Rick Baartman Transverse Centroid Tracking Through Axially Symmetric Accelerating Fields
TRI-BN-22-33 Jamiel Nasser (coop student) Magnetic Hysteresis and TRIUMF's Fancy Set Function
TRI-BN-23-01 Rick Baartman M15 permanent magnet quads positioning
TRI-BN-23-02 Olivier Shelbaya ISAC-I Machine Development Shift Overview
TRI-BN-23-03 Lige Zhang Cyclotron Beam Development in 2022
TRI-BN-23-04 Olivier Shelbaya Model Coupled Accelerator Tuning (PhD thesis)
TRI-BN-23-05 Olivier Shelbaya OLIS Theories
TRI-BN-23-06 Rick Baartman Coupling Resonance Theory
TRI-BN-23-07 Yi-Nong Rao BL4N First Extracted Beam
TRI-BN-23-08 Rick Baartman 5:1 Selector phase spec.
TRI-BN-23-09 Thomas Planche Approximate Jacobian for the Optimization of Dipole Gap Profiles
TRI-BN-23-10 Shane Koscielniak Adiabatic Capture of Longitudinal Phase Space
TRI-BN-23-11 Lige Zhang Implementing linear coupling analysis in CYCLOPS
TRI-BN-23-12 Thomas Planche, Paul Jung, Hui Wen Koay, Lige Zhang, Rick Baartman Magnetic Measurement During the Cyclotron Main Magnet Ramp-up of April 2023
TRI-BN-23-13 Olivier Shelbaya, Rick Baartman ISAC RF Booster Insertion Optics
TRI-BN-23-14 Rick Baartman Envelope codes why (Course notes for Int.Acc.School at CLS, July 2023)
TRI-BN-23-15 Spencer Kiy Automated Optimization of the ISAC-II Heavy Ion Linac (M.Sc. Thesis)
TRI-BN-23-16 Yi-Nong Rao Proposal for HE3 Probe Head
TRI-BN-23-17 Rick Baartman ISIS 5:1 Selector Operation Notes
TRI-BN-23-18 Olivier Shelbaya Enhanced MEBT Optics
TRI-BN-23-19 Thomas Planche, Suresh Saminathan, Rick Baartman Stray Magnetic Field in TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-23-20 Thomas Planche Field From a Quadrupole With a Hyperbolic Tangent Strength Function
TRI-BN-23-21 Lige Zhang G4beamline simulation of Collimation and Spills between T2 and TNF in BL1A
TRI-BN-23-22 Olivier Shelbaya, Alexander Katrusiak Primary Achromaticity of the HEBT2 and HEBT3 Beamlines
TRI-BN-23-23 Olivier Shelbaya, Thomas Planche OSAKA Magnetic Field Deflection
TRI-BN-23-24 HuiWen Koay Model error of EGUN-EHDT-DUMP
TRI-BN-23-25 HuiWen Koay Alpha magnet
TRI-BN-23-26 HuiWen Koay Updates of the e-LINAC RF Calibration
TRI-BN-23-27 HuiWen Koay Bayesian Optimization of Air-core Superconducting Coils
TRI-BN-23-28 Aveen Mahon Magnetic Measurement of Permanent Magnet Quadrupole
TRI-BN-23-29 R. Baartman ISAC spherical bender and 9 degree deflector error
TRI-BN-23-30 Olivier Shelbaya IMS to Polarizer Beam Transport
TRI-BN-24-01 Shane Koscielniak Needle Model for Simulation of Space-Charge Dominated Beam Dynamics In an Isochronous AVF Cyclotron
TRI-BN-24-02 Olivier Shelbaya, Spencer Kiy RPM Noise Record
TRI-BN-24-03 Rick Baartman OLIS emittance scanner tests
TRI-BN-24-04 Shane Koscielniak Motion in Dual-Harmonic Potential Well
TRI-BN-24-05 Olivier Shelbaya A Record of OLIS Steerer Lensing
TRI-BN-24-06 HuiWen Koay Comparison of Envelope Tracking at cERL Injection
TRI-BN-24-07 Rick Baartman Electrostatic Element Procedures for COSY-$\infty$ version 10.2
TRI-BN-24-08 HuiWen Koay, Thomas Planche Alpha magnet in TRANSOPTR
TRI-BN-24-09 Lige Zhang Cyclotron Machine Development in 2023
TRI-BN-24-10 Rick Baartman Matlab Tools for COSY Maps
TRI-BN-24-11 Rick Baartman ARIEL HRS Tunes Derivation
TRI-BN-24-12 Omar Hassan Polarity Switching at the HEBT Steerers
TRI-BN-24-13 Olivier Shelbaya Time-Spread Manipulation Using Longitudinal RFQ Mismatch
TRI-BN-24-14 Rick Baartman magnetic steering scaling in ISAC
TRI-BN-24-15 Olivier Shelbaya Profile Monitor Additions to ISAC-OLIS
TRI-BN-24-16 Thomas Planche Jacobian for the Optimization Of Dipole Gap Profiles – Second Part
TRI-BN-24-17 Olivier Shelbaya DTL Tune Without Bunchers-2 and -3
TRI-BN-24-18 Hui Wen Koay Measurement of beam energy from e-gun at TRIUMF e-linac
TRI-BN-24-19 Rick Baartman MEBT Steerers' history
TRI-BN-24-20 Omar Hassan, Emma Ghelfi, Alexander Katrusiak Centering Beam into DRAGON Using the Wobbler
TRI-BN-24-21 Shane Koscielniak Weakly Damped Anharmonic Oscillator
TRI-BN-24-22 Rick Baartman and Thomas Planche Electrostatic Steerer Lensing Effect
TRI-BN-24-23 Lige Zhang Optimal Excitation and Parameter Extraction for a Steering Quadrupole
TRI-BN-24-24 R. Baartman IGUN to OPTR for ECR
TRI-BN-24-25 Olivier Shelbaya Mitigation of Steerer Lensing Effects for Radioactive Beam Transport
TRI-BN-24-26 R. Baartman Primary beamline vacuum requirement from Rutherford scattering
TRI-BN-24-27 Paul Jung, Hui Wen Koay, Thomas Planche, Lige Zhang, Rick Baartman Magnetic Measurement During the Cyclotron Main Magnet Ramp-up of April 2024
TRI-BN-24-28 R. Baartman OLIS optics and how to fix
TRI-BN-24-29 Olivier Shelbaya ISAC-HEBT Optics Upgrade
TRI-BN-24-30 Alexander Katrusiak, Emma Ghelfi, Omar Hassan Common Plate Voltage Reduction Methods Using BOIS
TRI-BN-24-31 Yi-Nong Rao and Lige Zhang BL1U Commissioning and Test Results
TRI-BN-24-32 Omar Hassan, Olivier Shelbaya Investigations into the HEBT & HEBT2 Beamlines with Multi-Objective BOIS
TRI-BN-24-33 Olivier Shelbaya, Rick Baartman Sign Flip in IMS Emittance Correlations
TRI-BN-24-34 Rick Baartman Optics of DRAGON and Matching from HEBT2
TRI-BN-24-35 Stephanie Radel CLS visit fall 2024: A Report
TRI-BN-24-36 Shane Koscielniak Mean-Square Resonator
TRI-BN-24-37 Thomas Planche TRANSOPTR model of the e-linac dipole magnets
TRI-BN-24-38 Rick Baartman What the F? An explanation of the Infinitesimal Transfer Matrix
TRI-BN-24-39 HuiWen Koay Tune Measurement and Solenoid Aberration at e-linac
TRI-BN-24-40 Olivier Shelbaya MEBT Quadrupole Interference
TRI-BN-25-01 Lige Zhang Beamline 1A Collimator Optimization
TRI-BN-25-02 Omar Hassan ISOLDE_Workshop_2024 (trip report)

# Author Title
TRI-DN-10-05 Rick Baartman Cyclotron Primary Achromaticity
TRI-DN-11-08 Marco Marchetto, Suresh Saminathan ARIEL Front-End
TRI-DN-12-03 Yu-Chiu Chao E-Linac EMBT-EABT-EHAT-Phase One Major Components and Layout
TRI-DN-12-10 Yi-Nong Rao Electron High Energy Beam Transport (EHBT) Optics Design
TRI-DN-12-11 Yi-Nong Rao Electron High Energy Dump Transport (EHDT) Optics Design
TRI-DN-12-15 Thomas Planche ARIEL EMBD:MB0 Analyzer Magnet
TRI-DN-12-19 Thomas Planche ARIEL EMBT:MB5A/5C Dipole Design
TRI-DN-12-22 Thomas Planche E-linac Strong Dipoles EABT:MB0, EHDT:MB2, EHBT:MB25/29/33/37, EHBTE:MB6
TRI-DN-13-13 Y-N Rao and Rick Baartman Beam Line 4 North (BL4N) Optics Design
TRI-DN-13-15 Thomas Planche ARIEL Dipoles EHAT:MB4, EHBT:MB5B, EHDT:MB4
TRI-DN-13-31 Thomas Planche ARIEL Dogleg Vertical Dipoles EHBT:MBO & EHBT:MB5A
TRI-DN-14-04 Yi-Nong Rao Optics Design for Electron High Energy Beam Transport (EHBT) in the BL4N Era
TRI-DN-14-06 James Maloney, Marco Marchetto, Rick Baartman ARIEL High Resolution Separator
TRI-DN-14-16 Suresh Saminathan, Rick Baartman Optics Design for a high-field (2kG) BNQR Spectrometer
TRI-DN-15-06 Suresh Saminathan, Rick Baartman Low Energy Beam Transport Line for the CANREB Charge State Breeder
TRI-DN-15-09 Suresh Saminathan Dipole Magnet Requirements for the Nier-spectrometer
TRI-DN-15-18 Suresh Saminathan, Rick Baartman Beam Commissioning of GRIFFIN Beamline
TRI-DN-16-07 Suresh Saminathan, Rick Baartman ARIEL Pre-separator
TRI-DN-16-09 James Maloney CANREB HRS Multipole Corrector
TRI-DN-16-27 Suresh Saminathan ARIEL Pre-separator Dipole Magnet
TRI-DN-16-35 Suresh Saminathan ARIEL Test Ion Source
TRI-DN-21-16 Suresh Saminathan Optics design of the ion source injection terminal I2
TRI-DN-22-05 Marco Marchetto and Suresh Saminathan Replacement of the ISIS horizontal injection beamline
TRI-DN-22-09 (zip file) Yi-Nong Rao Improved Beam Line 1A (BL1A) Optics
TRI-DN-22-14 Suresh Saminathan Optics design of the ion beam transport for the GRIFFIN and BIO-BNMR
TRI-DN-23-11 Olivier Shelbaya ISAC RF Booster Insertion Optics
TRI-DN-23-17 Aveen Mahon, Thomas Planche Dark Light Beam Optics Specifications
TRI-DN-24-04 Olivier Shelbaya The TRIUMF acc Repository

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Rick Baartman
Last modified: Thu Jan 30 10:57:00 PST 2025